Trustful Cooperation
Trustful Cooperation

Trustful Cooperation

The JRS guideline encompasses globally applicable standards and procedures. In case of reported violations, our Compliance Team takes action. Please report violations through our reporting channels.

Compliance at JRS

In the JRS Corporate Guidelines, you can find all applicable laws, regulations, standards, and procedures that additionally apply within the global JRS Group. Every JRS employee is obligated to observe and adhere to the established content.

Compliance is an integral part of our behavior and daily work. Transparency and adherence to our rules within the company are of paramount importance and require the commitment of all of us.

Compliance is a core topic for Mr. Rettenmaier
Compliance is a core topic for Mr. Rettenmaier

"Trust, reliability, and respectful interaction are fundamental values of our family-owned company. My door has always been open to the concerns of individual employees. However, not everyone feels comfortable approaching the boss or a supervisor directly. That's why I believe it is right and important to provide a platform where both personal and anonymous reports of violations can be submitted."

Josef Otto Rettenmaier - CEO

Whistleblower System - Process
Whistleblower System - Process

Have You Observed a Violation?

Why a Report Should Be Submitted

When a violation of applicable laws or our corporate guidelines is observed, a report can be made through one of the three following methods.

Every report will then be investigated by our Compliance Team. The protection of the whistleblowers as well as the affected parties is of particular importance. The assessment of the allegations and the derivation of measures are centrally managed by the Compliance Team.

All Reporting Channels

The whistleblower system provides the opportunity to report a violation of the guidelines. The report is confidential and anonymous. By clicking the blue button, you will be directed to the whistleblower reporting system.

By Email

Send us an email at cmplncjrsd

By Reporting System

By Mail

Please send us the incident by mail to the following address:

J. Rettenmaier & Söhne GmbH + Co KG
Compliance Office
Holzmühle 1
73494 Rosenberg

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